Russian scientists, researchers and experts will take part in The All-Russian Scientific Conference

Russian scientists, researchers and experts will take part in The All-Russian Scientific Conference “Measurements. Tests. Control”
The current state of methods, tools and metrological support for research, testing and operation of products in various industries will be discussed at The All-Russian Scientific Conference “Measurements. Tests. Control”. The event will be held on 22-24 October 2019 on the sidelines of the 16th International exhibition of testing and measuring equipment Testing & Control at Crocus Expo.
The first day of the conference will be opened by the plenary panel “Control, measuring and testing equipment: state and directions of development”. The discussions will be attended by representatives of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, FGUP VNIIMS, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tupolev PJSC, State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Metrological Academy of the Russian Federation. Experts will present an overview of the current situation in metrology, consider existing difficulties and changes in legislation, give forecasts of development, discuss the stages of implementation of the “Strategy for ensuring the unity of measurements in the Russian Federation until 2025”.

Important issues of development of Metrology, measurements and tests of RCP to improve quality and reliability, achieved results and existing problems, recommendations for further development, organizational and technical problems of measurements and tests in RCP will be raised at the round table of the State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS. The reports will be presented by specialists of the ROSCOSMOS enterprises.

The aviation section, which will follow the space section, will be devoted to metrological assurance and ensuring the unity of measurements, reducing metrological risks of negative situations at the design stage, production, testing, certification, as well as technical operation of aviation equipment, standardization, development of new and revision of existing national standards. Invited to participate: The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, FGUP TsAGI, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Federal Air Transport Agency, Union of Aviation Industrialists of Russia, Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), United Aircraft Corporation, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, Russian Нelicopters JSC, Tupolev PJSC, Irkut Corporation, Flight Research Institute n.a. M.M.Gromov, FGUP State Research Institute of Aviation Systems, FGUP State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, Rostest-Moscow.

The second day of the conference will begin with a discussion of metrological support, standardization and certification in machinery manufacturing and on transport. Without improvement of measuring equipment, creation of new methods and means of measurement it is impossible to develop mechanical engineering, transport and human activity in general. Invited to the technological session: Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), Central Research Institute For Special Machinery, Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation, Tulamashzavod production association, Tver rail carriage building plant, KamAZ Production Association, Renault Russia, Ulyanovsk automobile plant, The Moscow Metro, Russian Railways SDC holding company.

The topic of import substitution and localization of production doesn’t lose its relevance. The development of the Russian system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements based on import-independent technologies and the instrument base will be the main issue of the debate of the representatives of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), RUSNANO Group, SOYUZEXPERTIZA CCI RF (SOEX), The Industrial Development Fund, The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, FGUP VNIIMS, Holding “Informtest”, Gazprom Neft, The Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI, LLC).

How to educate and prepare metrological staff, whether educational standards meet the needs of modern Russian science and industry, what needs exist in approaches to the training system, what conditions should be adopted for practical interaction between educational institutions and enterprises. These and other questions will be discussed by the specialists of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, FSAEI AE “Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (educational)”, Worldskills Russia, Mitutoyo RUS, Bauman Moscow  State Technical University, Moscow Technical University of Communications And Informatics, NUST MISIS, Russian Academy of Sciences, RTU MIREA, Moscow Polytechnic University, HSE University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of expertise and testing.

The topics that experts will raise on the final third day of the conference will be: the development of innovative metrological infrastructure, as well as the improvement and implementation of SI units in accordance with the new definitions. In the framework of the events will focus on the development of advanced technologies, methods to ensure the domestic industry by modern computing capabilities, examples of best practical solutions for the introduction of innovative measurement technologies, new standards and new principles standards values, the topic of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in accordance with the new definitions, advantages and disadvantages of new standards.

The conference is held under the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, the State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS, FGUP VNIIMS, FGUP VNIIM, FGUP GosNII GA, FGUP TsAGI, FGUP CIAM, Tupolev PJSC, Moscow aviation Institute. The organizer is an international exhibition company.
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“Measurements. Tests. Control"