From the 9th to the 11th of April in Moscow, at the Expocentre, the 18th International Exhibition for Vacuum and Cryogenic Equipment, VacuumTechExpo 2024, will take place.
VacuumTechExpo 2024 is a significant event in the industry aimed at showcasing the main technological achievements and new equipment from domestic and foreign companies engaged in production and supply of vacuum and cryogenic equipment.
The exhibition will be of interest to leaders and specialists from research institutes, representatives
of the oil and gas and energy sectors, engineering, construction, as well as the medical, food, space, and other sectors of the economy.
The International Scientific and Technical Conference "Vacuum Engineering, Materials, and Technologies," with the Russian Scientific and Technical Vacuum Society named after Academician
S.A. Vekshinsky as a partner, will be the main event of the exhibition's business programme. Separate thematic sessions will discuss the state and prospects of the domestic vacuum and cryogenic equipment market, with special attention to the issue of personnel shortage and approaches to personnel training.
Opening hours for visitors
9th of April: 10:00 am – 18:00
th of April: 10:00 am – 18:00
th of April: 10:00 am – 16:00
Russia, Moscow, Expocentre IEC, Pavilion 5, entrance from Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment
(South Entrance).
How to get to the venue
VacuumTechExpo 2024 Exposition
This year, more than 50 companies from Russia, China, and Belarus will showcase their equipment and technologies at the exhibition.
The exhibition's lineup is updated annually with new participants. This year, 23 companies will present their products for the first time: Advatex; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; NPO Gelikon;
NPO "GKMP" Research and Production Company; Engineering and Production Center EMS; Center for Technical Support "Science"; NPK Shtrai; Savtech; Blue Sphere (Sotras); LLC "RDE "Factory of MDU";
"East Glass" Group of Companies; "Etna JSC", Research and Production Enterprise; OEM Tech; Grelens; Sino Multimicro Technolo Gy; Shandong Zhangqiu Blower; Beijing Super Q Technology; Shanghai Lufu Precision Machinary; Wenzhou Efun Valve; Hangzhou Vulcan New Material Technology; Suzhou Bama Superconductive Technology.
In the "Vacuum Equipment" section, companies like BLM Synergy; Vakuummash, JSC; Cathode; Cryosystems; "Progress NPF" Research and Production Company; Control Systems; Thermionic, LLC; Electrovacuum Technologies; Erstvak, Scientific Equipment; VLS-Engineering, LLC; Intek Analytics, JSC; and other companies will showcase their new products.
Companies such as: Scientific and technical complex "Cryogenic Technique", JSC; Cryotrade Engineering; Cryogenmontazh, JSC; Cryosystems; Erstvak, and others will present cryogenic equipment at the exhibition.
In the "Equipment for Functional Coatings Application" section, companies like BelRosVak, LLC; VTT; Engineering Group; Cathode; Quartz, JSC; Laboratory of Vacuum Technology Plus, LLC; Applied Electronics; Ferry Watt, LLC; Pinch, and others will showcase their technological solutions.
Exhibitor List
Business Programme
The exhibition's business programme, with the Russian Scientific and Technical Vacuum Society named after Academician S.A. Vekshinsky as a partner, will last for three days and will feature several industry events.
On the 9
th of April at 11:00 am, thematic sessions "Development of Vacuum and Cryogenic Equipment and Technologies: State, Trends, Challenges. Metrological Support of Vacuum Measurements" and "Personnel Training System and Development of Fundamental and Applied Research for High-Tech Industries" will open the business programme.
At 14:30, the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Vacuum Engeneering, Materials, and Technology" will begin its work from the "Vacuum Technologies and Equipment" section.
On the 10
th of April, the conference will continue its work with three thematic sections throughout the day:
· 10:30 – 14:00 – "New Technologies for Thin Film Formation. Research Methods. Technological Equipment";
· 14:00 pm – 16:00 – "Nanotechnology and Biotechnology";
· 16:00 pm – 18:00 – "Vacuum Technologies and Aerospace Complex."
On the 11
th of April 11 at 11:00, within the framework of summing up the "Best Innovative Product" competition, a presentation of technologies and equipment from participating companies will take place. At 13:30, the winners will be awarded.
Among the speakers are representatives of professional associations, government structures, research institutes, higher and secondary specialised education institutions, and manufacturers of vacuum and cryogenic equipment.
More about the Business Programme
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