Global Ingredients Show 2024: ingredients and additives for various industries

Global Ingredients Show 2024: ingredients and additives for various industries
23rd - 25th April 2024, the 26th International Exhibition of Ingredients for Food, Nutritional Supplements, Cosmetics, and Household Chemistry, the Global Ingredients Show, will take place at the Crocus Expo.
The Global Ingredients Show 2024 is a significant business event for manufacturers and buyers of ingredients, additives, flavorings, raw materials, and technological auxiliary means for the food industry. The exhibition will be of interest to representatives of enterprises specialising in the production of food and beverages, cosmetics, perfumery, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, household chemistry, as well as dealers and distributors.

As part of the business programme, the forum "Ingredients and Additives" will be held, where prospects and development vectors in the production and application of ingredients and additives in various industrial sectors will be discussed through panel discussions and thematic sessions.

General industry partner of the exhibition: Food Ingredients Producers Union.
Navigation sponsor: Alternativa, LLC.

Opening hours for visitors:
23rd of April: 10:00 am – 18:00
24th of April: 10:00 am – 18:00
25th of April: 10:00 am – 16:00

Moscow, Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center, Pavilion 2, Hall 11 (3rd floor).
How to get there

Exhibition Overview

This year, more than 250 companies from Russia, Vietnam, India, South Korea, China, Turkey, and Belarus will showcase their products at the exhibition. The exhibition's exposition is annually featuring new participants. This year, many companies will exhibit at the Global Ingredients Show for the first time: Gelner Gida; Lucidcolloids; AB-Market; Ecofarmsystem; Invita-Trade, LTD; Kaustik, JSC; Vkusoaromatika; Kema Club; Spektr-Chem; Alternativa, LLC; Leko Style, TPC; Sarda Gum, Parafarm, Yugovsky Dairy Products Plant, LLC; Laboratory of Plant Compounds, LRS; Rustark; Pekta; UD Chemie, LTD; RusExtract; Avangard Group of Companies; Incomas; Chemical & Food Aromatic Plant, LLC; Tereza-Inter, LLC; Alliance Energy, LTD; Neo Foodtech; Shiva Biochem Industries; Helixan; Ametis; Sarda Bio Polymers, PVT; Naturoma; YoZavod; Revada Group; Eastagro Don; Hanbit Flavor & Fragrance.
The products of most exhibitors at the Global Ingredients Show 2024 will be presented in four main thematic sections.
In the section "Ingredients and additives for food and beverage production", companies such as Santeville, Scientific Production Company; Yarprodsnabservice; Eco Resource, JSC; AB-Market; Henan Honest Industrial; Lianyungang Nuoxin Food Ingredient; YoZavod, and Chemical & Food Aromatic Plant, LLC will showcase their innovations.
Ingredients and additives for cosmetics and perfume production will be presented by companies such as: RusExtract; Invita-Trade, LTD; Kema Club; Biozevtika; Lanix M, LLC; Laboratory of Plant Compounds, LRS; Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation, Suizhou Shilida Biotechnology, and others.
In the section "Ingredients and additives for pharmaceutical and nutritional supplement production", companies such as: Ecofarmsystem (Applied Biotechnology); UD Chemie, LTD; Adams Chemicals; Chembroker; Jiangsu Xixin Vitamin; Wuxi Accobio Biotech; Qingdao Gather Great Ocean Algae Industry Group, and others will showcase their products.
Ingredients and additives for household chemicals production will be demonstrated by companies such as: Chembroker, Alliance Energy, LTD; UD Chemie, LTD; Kaustik, JSC; Leko Style; Spektr-Chem, and others.

Let us introduce some of our exhibitors:

Rustark is a Russian manufacturer of starch products: maltodextrin, dry glucose syrups, native corn starch, starch syrups, gluten, and other products from corn.

Neos Ingredients specialises in the production of food ingredients and also provides services in solving technological tasks at food production enterprises.

Eco Resource is engaged in the production of dyes, coloring extracts and ingredients, functional additives, and flavorings for the food industry, livestock farming, poultry farming, and aquaculture.

Eсos is a Russian manufacturer and supplier of food ingredients: complex additives for meat, fish, and dairy products, as well as mono-ingredients.

Invita-Trade specialises in supplying ingredients from leading global manufacturers for the cosmetics industry, dietary supplements, and functional nutrition.

Incomas (Turkey) specialises in the production of products from carob tree: carob kames, carob powder, and carob syrup.

Foodchem (China) is specialising in production and supply of ingredients for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics industries, for livestock farming, as well as chemical industry, and food production.

Exhibitor list

This year, the exhibition will host a pop-up exhibition organised by the Russian Dessert Museum, where antique kitchen utensils for making desserts, packaging samples for sugar, coffee, tea, chocolate, and other products will be presented, as well as paintings that served as the basis for creating packaging designs. Museum staff will share with visitors the history of famous Russian desserts and talk about the secret ingredients necessary to achieve "that particular taste".
As part of the social project "The museum will pass on the ancient tasty craft into good hands!" aimed at popularising Russia's gastronomic heritage, the museum will share old recipes with confectionery and bakery specialists that can be used as a basis for creating new products. Specialists will help adapt them to modern production and also create designs for packaging and ads free of charge.

Business Programme

The "Ingredients and Additives" Forum will last for three days, during which industry experts will present their vision of how industries will develop, including considering import substitution, as well as present the results of consumer preference analysis and share information about the latest changes in regulatory and technical regulations.

Forum Programme

April 23
10:30–12:00 — plenary session " Development strategies in the field of bioengineering technologies".
12:30–14:00 — strategic session "Ingredients and additives production: technologies, personnel, equipment".
14:30–16:00 — thematic session "Enriched and functional foods: the impact of the food industry on quality of life".
16:30–18:00 — thematic session "Fashion in food: trends, innovations, market for new proteins and new types of food".

April 24
10:30–12:30 — thematic session "The nutritional supplement industry: production development and market regulation, new formulas and forms".
13:00–15:00 — technological session "Beauty industry: how domestic production of perfumes and cosmetics is developing".
15:30–18:00 — thematic session "Recipe for success: how to pair technologist with marketer. Using ingredients and innovative solutions in product manufacturing to create products that are in demand".

April 25
10:30–12:00 — thematic session "Evolution of food safety and quality control".
12:30–13:30 — thematic session "Green production standards and environmental friendliness of products: how to protect producers and consumers from unfair competition".
The business programme will feature industry experts, representatives of professional associations, research centers, specialised enterprises, and government structures as speakers.

Partners of the business program: Food Ingredients Producers Union, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Scientific and Technical Non-Profit Partnership "Biotech2030 Technology Platform", Union of Producers of Bioactive Food Supplements, information and analytical portal of the food industry

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